Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 12


May 14, 2015

My husband is back home again!  I had to pick him up at midnight at the airport last night.  So we slept in was lovely.  And my stomach has shrunk so I didn't wake up starving either.  I had to work an 8 hour shift today, so I needed to fix dinner for the family before I left and pack something for myself.  I went simple.  Homemade tuna salad for them.  It's my mom's recipe.  A family favorite! Tuna, mayo, green apples and dill pickles.  I could eat it too if I made some Paleo mayo.  Not enough time for that today.  I nibbled on a few pieces of tuna though.  I ate a banana for breakfast while I was chopping and stirring the salad.

For my breaks at work I brought cherry tomatoes, red grapes, pistachios and an apple.  It was another light day but satisfying.  When I got home I had 3 boiled eggs.  I did get on the scale again because my work pants felt so loose today :)  I am down 5 lbs so I feel pretty darn good.  After you get used to this new way of eating it gets easier.  I feel like I could do this for the rest of my life.  Normally on day 12 of any of my past diets I am longing for foods that I am not supposed to have.  Taking the processed and sugar and flour out really curbs and controls all that.

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