Thursday, December 31, 2015

Day 23-31

Day 23-31~
December 23-31, 2015

Well it is the last day of the year!  175.6.  I made it through the holidays without gaining any weight!  I am so happy and blessed with my new found self control and way of eating.  I can really tell this round made a difference.  Did I do it perfectly?  No.  I enjoyed the occasional cookie, rice krispie treat and chocolate over Christmas.  A little bit of dairy here and there.  I am over bread though, and soda, and potato chips and cheese on everything.  These are HUGE steps for me, after several years of making them a regular way of life.  I now enjoy sweet potatoes, tea and water.  I am leaning towards a Paleo lifestyle about 80% of the time, and whole foods the whole time.  So limited amounts of dairy, alcohol, and rare amounts of sweets.  I am now venturing into the use of essential oils for 2016 and some basic, easy exercise...walking lol.  So I will start a new blog or perhaps a facebook page.  I think a page will be easier for me to maintain as I am on there almost every day anyways.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Day 15-22

Days 15-22~
December 15-22, 2015

So it has been the same old thing every day for the most part. Unfortunately, I did not get the Y job, but we do have a treadmill just waiting for me in the garage.  (Saving that for a New Years resolution).  I have been so busy with work and Christmas and all of the healthy cooking in the kitchen that I didn't make time for blogging!

This morning prompted me though to make an entry.  I weighed in at 175.4.  That is 8 pounds gone!!! It has gotten so easy too.  I don't even crave anything bad that I used to eat.  I have had a few organic white potatoes here and there and they aren't even as exciting as they used to be.  It is all about being prepared.  I always try to have some cut veggies or cooked meat for quick noshing.  I drink a lot of water and tea and Kevita or seltzer water gives me that fizzy fix when I need it.  For a sweet treat if necessary,  I go to dark choc covered almonds.  I think they main thing around this time is that my mind was ready.

A couple of yummy new meals I have made.  Braised pulled pork with carrots and spinach with apples and cranberries.

This was Italian chicken with my fav white sweet potato hash browns and brussels sprouts.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 14

Day 14~
December 14, 2015

Great morning!  Woke up to 176 baby :)  So happy.  Last night at the Christmas dinner was a big challenge for me.  I had to pass on the salad that was loaded with cheese, breadcrumbs and oil, the bread, the lasagna and the only thing I could eat was this white pasta dish (I had to eat dairy though which I didn't want to)  it had teeny pieces of spinach and mushrooms in it that I had to scrape off the noodles to eat.  The sauce was a creamy, cheesy concoction, but I knew it was probably real butter and good cheese so I made a small exception.  I had lots of cups of hot tea and water to fill me up the whole way.  Luckily I am not a dessert person, so that part didn't bother me at all.  I was just a little bit hungry when I got home and too tired to peel a grapefruit and pistachios so I opted for 20 pieces of dark chocolate covered almonds.

Breakfast was my standard delicious plate of white sweet potato (1/3 of a whole potato) fried in coconut oil with grass fed bacon, tomatoes and 2 eggs on top.

Lots of tea, a Kevita and 10 of my dark chocolate almonds for lunch.  I think for dinner I will have a grapefruit and pistachios.  Just not feeling super hungry.      

I have an interview tomorrow at the YMCA!  Very excited!  It would mean a free membership for me.  And, I would be there every day to get a workout in if I get hired!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Day 13

Day 13~
December 13, 2015

I can't believe it is day 13 already.  Woke up to 177.4 again.  This was as far as I got last time.  I think I was frustrated with only losing 5 pounds after 13 days.  I know now that I was just about to hit the "tiger blood" phase of days 14-21!  I can already tell that my energy is higher, my stomach is happier and I almost feel like I am starting to burn fat inside of me.  Not sure how to explain that one, but I feel like it is happening.

Today is my husbands Christmas party at Casa's Italian Restaurant..  We will see how I get through this while maintaining my new way of eating.  Hopefully there will be some healthy options.

Probably no walk today.  The dog and I are both a little sore.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day 12

Day 12~
December 12, 2015

Woohoo!  177.4 this morning!  That's 5.2 pounds down.  So happy! When I woke up, it felt like my stomach was hollow.  It was great to see a change in the digits.  Gives me motivation to take the dog on a walk today.  I have to eat first though!

Walked the dog 3 miles.  It was a beautiful 60 degree day.  Pretty weird for December in Indiana.  I had leftover Stroganoff and squash noodles for breakfast.  A banana for lunch with a small bag of nuts, dried fruits and seeds.

After work I treated myself to 10 pieces of dark chocolate almonds for dinner.  Then after I got home I enjoyed a grapefruit and some pistachios.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 11

Day 11~
December 1, 2015

Feeling pretty lousy this morning.  Weird cramps in my stomach.  Sore throat, runny nose, head ache. Had a lot of trouble sleeping...bad dreams.  I think I am just worried about my husband working so much.  I did have 5 pieces of dark chocolate almonds last night.  I savored each one.  They were delicious.  I am not going to worry about it.  I am still doing great things to improve my health!

I had some leftover Thai Beef Stew and cauliflower rice for breakfast.  Tonight I am going to make bacon cheeseburgers for the guys with organic russet potato fries and broccoli. For me I am making a Paleo version of beef stroganoff.  Scale is still locked in at 179.  Only 3 more days before the big shift is suppose to happen!

Dinner was another happy new meal for me.  You make the sauce for the stroganoff out of cashew cream and a touch of lemon juice.  Tasted amazingly like sour cream.  The noodles were steamed ribbons of yellow squash.  The picture does not do it justice!  It was SO GOOD.  Even my mom and youngest son tasted it and liked it.  I did enjoy about 4 of the fries as well :)

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 10

Day 10~
December 10, 2015

My sleep continues to be deep and long with vivid dreams.  I usually get up once in the middle of the night to pee, but that's because I drink so much water and tea.  According to the book, days 10 and 11 are when most people quit.  I am feeling stronger than ever though.  Probably because this is my second time around.  They say after 2 weeks you really start to see the results!  Looking forward to that.  I almost reached it last time.

Enjoyed my regular sweet potato hash with tomatoes and eggs for breakfast.  Tonight's dinner will be California Chicken Ranch Wraps from my favorite book "Against all Grain".  I can't say enough wonderful things about that cookbook.

The guys had the ranch chicken in wraps but I opted for a salad.  It was all so delicious.  You make the ranch dressing from scratch.  So much better than the pre-made stuff.  My boys aren't very fond of ranch either, but they liked this recipe!  I did try to make the mayo from scratch too, but it turned out horribly.  I did something way wrong haha.  It looked like egg broth.  I should have taken a picture of that too.  But my salad was pretty.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day 9

Day 9~
December 9, 2015

I am sadly out of eggs this morning so I am eating leftover Thai Beef Stew for breakfast and a big mug of green tea. It was time to change it up anyways and it tastes yummy.  I woke up this morning just starving!  Last night at work it was very busy and my break was really late.  I really didn't have any dinner yesterday, just red & green pepper strips and some turkey bacon and tomatoes.

An exciting turn point yesterday though!  I noticed when I put on my work pants and belt that the belt was much looser than normal!  I can spin it all around my waist on the tightest notch.  Made me very happy.  I got on the scale this morning, and a small change there of just 179 instead of 179.8, so that is almost another pound :)  Which is a total of 3.6 pounds in 9 days, about 1/2 pound a day.  So in 60 days that could mean 30 pounds!!!  That would be awesomesauce.  And if I did the 90 day plan, maybe 45 pounds, which would be...perfect@137 pounds.  The weight I was when my husband and I fell in love.

I am making roasted chicken, carrots and squash for dinner with a little green salad for color.  Also going to try and round off the Christmas shopping, take Joe around for job hunting and check out Ted's Market as a new job possibility.

I ended up roasting two 5 pound chickens, so that I will have leftovers for tomorrows dinner.  I might as well since I will already be using the oven energy anyways, and it saves me time!  I think I spend 2-3 hours in the kitchen every day.  Sometimes even longer.  But it's okay.  I LOVE IT!    

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 8

Day 8~
Dec. 8, 2015

Slept wonderful.  A little bit of a fog trying to get up though from sleeping so deep.  Enjoyed the usual breakfast.  It's just easy and I like it.  Will try some Paleo breakfast muffins probably tmrw to try and change it up a little.  Read more about turmeric, apple cider vinegar and coconut oil benefits.  Going to try and incorporate those more into our diet.  Scale the same, but then I am not supposed to be checking haha.  I may just not look at it until Sunday and see what happens.  Still following the diet easily.  Beef stew leftovers will be for dinner.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Day 5, 6, 7

Day 5,6,7~
December 5, 6, 7  2015

The last two days I had to work a bunch of hours so I basically stuck to my normal breakfast.  I had a variety of veggies, meats, nuts, seeds and fruits and of course eggs for meals.

Today I am making Thai Beef Stew with Cauliflower Rice for dinner.  I made this the last go around and it is so delicious.  Unfortunately, the hubby doesn't like curry so I make him American Beef Stew as well.  It takes about 2 hours to prepare all this, so I only do these on my day off.

I have not seen any new weight loss on the scale, except the original 3 from the first 3 days, but then that is why they don't want you to check the scale in the book!  Because it takes time.  I feel tremendously better inside with all the water, Kevita and tea intake.  I also know from reading the book, that the carb flu symptoms will go away now.  My sleep has improved immensely!  It is deep and fulfilling.  I am a little sluggish still while my body is learning to switch from carb burn to fat burn.  I think that takes another 7 days or so.  Then the energy will start to pop and if I want to start exercising that would be the time.  I changed my availability at work yesterday too.  That way I can have more of a schedule for myself and attend some regular yoga classes and such.  I can tell that I am much stronger this time around.  I am more focused on this and I know I will be successful!  I pray that my hands will heal in this whole process.  They are so sensitive and dry and itchy no matter how much lotion I use.

After rereading some of my past blogs, one of the things I did wrong was to eat fruit alone.  Now I know the best way to eat fruit is with a protein.  I also ate dairy last time, although it was grass fed, I am staying away from it this time until 60 days.    

Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 4

Day 4~
December 4, 2015

Today was a wonderful day.  To start I had my favorite breakfast of sweet potatoes, eggs, tomatoes and chicken sausage.  I just love it.  Then because I finally had a day off, my youngest son Joe and went out all day Christmas shopping and job hunting (for him).  I grabbed this new probiotic drink from the fridge that I picked up for my husbands tummy.  I was just gonna try it, but I loved it.  It as no sugar, it uses stevia, which technically is not whole 30, but it is non-dairy-non-GMO-certified organic and vegan.  Here's what they say about it.

Kevita is loaded with probiotics.  The purest, most robust bacteria in every bottle.  
To stay at your best, you need to shore up your defenses. 
 These beneficial bacteria live in your gut and keep your system in fighting form.

And let me tell you it works.  Today I sipped on the mojito lime mint coconut from about 11-1.  I really hate yogurt so this is going to work for me nicely.  I didn't notice any difference in my digestive track until about 9:30 at night.  Then I felt a shift and my colon was cleansed!  It was wonderful.  I have been constipated for 3 or more days and it felt so good.  I don't know for sure if it was the drink or my body adapting to the new diet but I am glad.  It has been so easy this time to follow the plan.  I am losing about a pound a day too.  Pretty exciting.

I didn't take a pic tonight but we had roasted turkey and green beans.  My family also had mashed potatoes, gravy and rolls.  After dinner I was feeling like a little sweet craving, so I brewed up some decaf tea.  My snack or lunch today was a banana.  Other than those items I didn't feel hungry all day.  
I am motivated by the photos of this heavier version of  myself.  This almost shy and embarrassed girl I have become.  I was drinking for bravery and consolation and it was wrong.  I am so happy I understand that now.  Here is me in July.  Putting my hand over my belly so no one can see the silhouette.  I don't want to do that any more.    

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 3

December 3, 2015

Woke up with a small headache, but no tummy trouble at all.  Just so thirsty!  I continue to drink just water.  Haven't wanted any tea yet.  Last night's dinner was AMAZING!  Enchilada Stuffed Peppers! I picked it out of my favorite cookbook, Against all Grain by Danielle Walker.  I was a little nervous to try it because you stuff poblano peppers instead of bell peppers, but it was so good, not too spicy.  That girl really knows what she is doing in the kitchen.  The best part is instead of rice, you stuff with bison, sweet potatoes, carrots and spinach.  I ate two, but probably would have been satisfied with one and half.
I had my regular favorite breakfast this morning.  I also learning how to use the new Microsoft 10 better now, so the picture isn't upside down today.  I really wanted to switch back to Windows 8 to make life easier, but learning new things is good for the brain right? 

I know I am not supposed to get on the scale, but I did is just fun IF you go down, and I felt lighter.  One pound gone!  Now that may not seem like much, but that is 4 sticks of butter folks, so I am happy.  It is like the first dollar you earn when you have your own business.  A small step in the right direction.  I even feel a lot stronger than last time, mentally that is.  Oh, and my grocery bill yesterday was a lot higher, $275...about double...but I got holiday pay this paycheck for working Thanksgiving holiday so that helped.  It was all that grass fed meat and produce.  I haven't even been able to afford to switch to organic produce yet.  That would be another $100!  I do use organic lemons though because I like to put the rinds in my water.   

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 2

Day 2~

Onward and upward!  Woke up with a few of the "carb flu" symptoms but feeling pretty good otherwise.  My stomach doesn't hurt like it did yesterday.  I hope that continues.  Filled up my big mug of ice water first thing.  Then I went back to making one of my favorite Paleo breakfasts since I had enough time.  The Aidell chicken sausage, farm eggs, tomatoes and shredded white sweet potatoes.  So delicious.  It didn't miss the cheese at all.  My husband tasted it and liked it too.  I served up the extras to my son Joe without telling him what it was (he doesn't care for sweet potatoes) and he ended up eating the whole bowl!  He really liked it.

I also finished up the grocery list and it is 75% produce!  That could be expensive.  That's okay though, it is an investment in our health.  My computer updated to Microsoft 10 and I am still not used to it yet so the editing on my photos aren't quite as clean yet.  I am pretty sure this photo is upside down.       

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Day 1~AGAIN!


Dec. 1, 2015

Yes, I am starting over again.  It really went well last time, but something happened to my mental focus.  I quit on myself.   I feel like this time I can really do it.  I need to do it.  I am going to go for a Whole 60 though, and maybe even longer.  I am ready for the fight!!! For my health and my husband and kids!  Jarad has been having some heart burn issues and we need to update his diet as well.

 For breakfast I had my big mug of ice water, a banana and a hard boiled egg.

I gotta work a long day today so I will be packing up some chicken approved sausage, tomatoes, apple, pistachios, raspberries and probably another hard boiled egg.  I need to pick up some more red peppers too because those were my life savers last time.

Starting weight this morning 182.6
Chest 41"
Waist 37"
Hips 45"
Thigh 26.5"
Calf 15 1/2"
Ankle 9 1/4"
Wrist  6 1/4"
Neck 14"
Arm 11 1/2"

Work was long and exhausting.  I was glad for the food I brought.  Brought home salad bar for dinner.  Spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, turkey, red onions, with my balsamic vinaigrette.  I will probably need a snack later though, so I will eat a grapefruit.

I can't get enough water today.  I think I had 8-10 cups so far.  My stomach had a little crapping and nausea at work, so I am not sure about that, but I got through it.

Really tired.  Can tell that I haven't had carbs today.